Wednesday, September 23, 2009


I finally got some textured stuff right!

I will be adding stuf fin the middle. You know... Gate, Keep, EtC. But for now, I relax. I GOT TEXTURING BETTER! W00T!!!!!! And no, I didn't pull an all-nighter.


Argentia Krystofel said...

Oh, were saying you couldn't draw, but that doesn't matter. I can't even begin to do something digitally!

Hope you're doing good.

Cylleruion Gwaithovorn said...

Heheehehe, I can't wait till you get the rest in dude. As always amazingly geeky good job :P

Unknown said...


Autumn; I can't draw. But I can model. I'm still learning, so it'll be a while before I can do anything better. And I know, "Give yourself more credit" and all that junk. :P

Cyylerion; Thanks. Probably the best comment on blender you've ever given me. I'll be working on it. And, I had actually gotten a third texture on it. Was about to work on the gates when Blender crashed. I'll re-do and get pics up.

Unknown said...

OOPS! MISSPELLED YOUR NAME! To err is human. And I'm a geek. So it's not error, it's typo... :P