Monday, September 28, 2009

A little lighting and positioning.

I only made the smaller mesh, but positioning, lighting, and all that stuff was mine.

Tools: Blender

Friday, September 25, 2009


Thus, the fortress was made. And it's still in work. I know, editing needed. Now, hopefully sometimes soon, I'll be able to make chars so I can add soldiers and them all in here.

I went for a little cartoon-ish look. It's interesting.
And a normal render.

Notice the rock textuer at the top of the mountain ridges, and that the dirt is... well, more like dirt. I also got stone on the wall. ENJOY!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


I finally got some textured stuff right!

I will be adding stuf fin the middle. You know... Gate, Keep, EtC. But for now, I relax. I GOT TEXTURING BETTER! W00T!!!!!! And no, I didn't pull an all-nighter.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A visit from the otherworlders?

Ooka, I DON'T believe in aliens. But, I joke about them. As such, When I got bored and started working with blender, I HAD to do this...

News: Fresh from the martian soil!
Reports have come in that they have found water....
...melons on mars.

Tools: Blender

I was working with the landscapeing and got bored. Don't you think things flying over barns with bright lights make things better? Me too. Well, back to Blending and reading Perelandra.

Monday, September 21, 2009

How about a logo?

Furious Enterprises


Tools: GIMP 2.6, AscGen

Thursday, September 17, 2009

What's that rhyme?

Over the river and through the woods? LAME!!!

Game: Tribes Vengeance SP Demo 2
Location: Under the map
Tools: Game, GIMP 2.6

Might make one for Urban Terror, where I know how to get under there. And, I'm definitely gonna have a black background soon. All this white is hurting my eyes. :P